Floral Leg
Floral Leg
Kiera is the chairperson for the charity Limb Power
“My attitude to being an amputee and wearing an artificial limb has changed with time. To begin with one is very aware of being different, of being disfigured, but as time moves on one adjusts and changes perspective. In the first few years my focus was on trying to be normal, wearing clothes that hid the fact that I was an amputee, but over the years I have become more comfortable with who I am and I now embrace having different legs for different activities and different occasions. I think losing a limb has a massive impact on one’s self esteem and body image. Having a beautifully crafted limb designed for you makes you feel special.”
Silicone / ink
Created by Sophie de Oliveira Barata
Fitted at ProActive Prosthetics
Photography by Rosemary Williams and Nadav Kander
Make-up artist: Katt Betts

Site by nemonolio