3D Printing Industry
"If you haven’t heard of The Phantom Limb Project yet, it is definitely something worth checking out..."
The Atlantic
"There is a moment when each ultra-realistic prosthetic limb crafted by Sophie de Oliveira Barata transitions from a hunk of silicon into something more..."
Creative Review
"Sophie de Oliveira Barata creates bespoke realistic and alternative limbs for amputees, helping to restore their confidence with prosthetics to be proud of..."
Daily Mail
"At 6ft 5in, James cuts a striking figure with his new arm. Down-to-earth and sunny natured, what really marks him out is his complete lack of self-pity...."
The Guardian
"Viktoria Modesta, the world's first amputee pop star : ‘If you don’t fit in, then don’t fit in’..."
The Guardian
"...something that is not defined by absence but, rather, transformation..."
"So often when we discuss art, we consider the work as the result of an artist’s gesture or understand the medium as being an extension of the artist’s hand..."
The Irish Times
"Let me introduce you to Priscilla, my fake leg..."
The New York Times
"Sophie de Oliveira Barata works out of a bright white, semidisheveled studio surrounded by feet and fingers, legs leaning against walls and hands that look real enough to shake..."
Popular Science
"Meet The Prosthetist Creating Custom-Made Insane Limbs..."
Science Gallery
"Science Gallery launches biggest-ever exhibition at leading European cultural centre CCCB..."
Business Insider
"These groundbreaking prosthetics are so lifelike, they will make you question what's real..."

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